We accept fresh and high-quality content from writers, authors, bloggers, and content creators who want to contribute their intellectual thoughts and knowledge to the world. Grow your reach by publishing your content on The Bengal World.
If you want to become a regular contributor, read the Content Guidelines carefully and follow the instructions on how to send your articles.
Content Guidelines
Ensure the following things before you send your articles
- The article content must be 100% fresh and unique.
- The article should contain at least 700 words. (more than seven hundred words is preferred)
- The title of the article should be compelling of 60 to 65 characters.
- Your articles should be relevant to our topics.
- You can insert one or more links in the article body. If you wish to have do-follow links, contact us.
- Use royalty-free images and provide appropriate credits for image sources.
- You cannot republish the articles anywhere once your article is published on our website.
Once you are ready with your article, follow the below instructions on how to send it.
How to send your article?
After you finish writing your article with the above guidelines, send it to thebengalworldoffical@gmail.com with the following details.
- A clear and original profile image.
- “Author bio”: Describe yourself in at least 25 to 50 words.
You have to send these details only for the first time. We will publish them at the end of your articles in the “Author Bio” section.
If you have any queries regarding content guidelines and instructions, please feel free to contact us.